Since Feb 2018, Footprints Women’s Centre has welcomed Newcomer women and children who have settled in the Colin Area and has worked in partnership with these families to establish services to meet their distinct needs. We would like to share Footprints pride in these amazing women and in the creation of a thriving and supportive...
Here4U – BHSCT
Within the Belfast Health and Social Care Trust, lifelong learning is supported and encouraged both formally and informally. Whilst formal learning will ensure a new qualification is obtained or promotional prospects are increased, informal learning is equally as important and encouraged to increase personal, professional and mental stimulation. The Trust, as an employer of over...
Dementia Engaged and Empowered Derry & Strabane
Dementia Engaged & Empowered Derry & Strabane (DEEDS) is part of the Old Library Trust, Creggan, in Derry, offering group activity supporting people in the early stages of dementia, with a range of different needs, to live well for longer in the community. Covid and lockdown had a major impact on both those living with...
Rising to the Challenges of 2020: WOMENS’TEC
WOMEN’STEC, located in North Belfast, offers trade skills training for women, building confidence and bringing participants closer to securing employment. We are well known within the sector for our ability to engage with some of the hardest to reach demographic: women with significant barriers to learning living in areas with very high levels of multiple...
NOW Group: Responding to Covid
Introduction In March 2020 the COVID-19 pandemic arrived. The delivery of NOW Group’s “in person” accredited training courses was halted as the country went into lockdown. This case study illustrates NOW Group’s response to the COVID-19 lockdown period and how it challenged the provision of adult learning. The report also demonstrates the NOW Group Training...
Making Learning Fun, Accessible and Lifelong: Belfast Festival of Learning
Belfast is a learning city and joined the UNESCO Global Network of Learning Cities in 2018 with a commitment to using learning to tackle inequalities and to improve the quality of life for all its citizens. A learning city promotes and celebrates learning and finds creative ways to encourage people to participate in learning at...
Construction Site Case Study: GRAHAM
GRAHAM[1] is a leading specialist in Construction, Fit-Out and Facilities Management Projects. With our HQ in Hillsborough, Northern Ireland, GRAHAM has over 2200 employees, based in 14 cities and 150 sites across the UK & Ireland. Traditionally, the focus in construction was more on site safety matters but attitudes are now changing as the industry...
Lifelong Learning Through the Arts
Older age, and particularly our perception of older age, should not be an obstacle to people living active and fulfilling lives. In recognition of this, the Arts Council of Northern Ireland in 2010 developed the Arts & Older People’s Programme with partners The Baring Foundation and the PHA. Working with the health and social care...
A Woman’s Guide to Controversial Conversations (Good relations; anti- sectarian and anti-racist education workshops): WRDA
The gender neutral nature of community relations policy has been critiqued by the women’s sector in a number of consultations which noted “ the exclusion of women from official policy and structures is a perennial problem…… They appear ignorant or dismissive of the positive role played by women in good relations and conflict resolution in...
Oceans Project: Southern Regional College
In 2014 following a report highlighting a deficiency in vocational training especially in NRAs, SRC, working alongside local resident groups, identified a specific area of need and secured funding from Dept of Communities. The OCEANS programme offered NRA residents throughout the southern region basic offshore safety induction and emergency training to new entrants to the...
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