The much-awaited Skills Strategy Consultation is now open and will remain open until 19th August. The report can be downloaded from our Reports/Resources page, but you will also want to go to to access the link for responses.
The commitment to building a culture of lifelong learning is still there, and it is one of three key objectives, but it has been substantially added to.

However of particular interest to Forum members/users will be the section on Increasing Adults’ Motivation to Learn which concludes with the Proposed Commitment –
We will develop a new lifelong learning project and action plan, directly aligned to the
achievement of the strategic goals set out in the new Skills Strategy.
The OECD report had suggested that a lifelong learning strategy might be developed, but the argument here is that it is better to have a single strategy rather than create several, In our response to the draft Programme for Government, we proposed that the creation of a lifelong learning culture should be included in the PfG as it stretches far beyond the purview of a Skills Strategy or the responsibilities of a single department.
We would be interested in hearing your views on this and indeed all other aspects of the consultation report, so that we can build these into our response.
More immediately, why not sign up for our webinar on 8th June where a representative of Dept for the Economy will be presenting on the Strategy – this will be one of the first opportunities to share your thoughts and ask questions. There will also be engagement events organised by DfE so keep an eye on their website for details, which we will also publicise on here.
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