Home // FALNI
Why not become a Member of FALNI?
31st of July, 202311th of August, 2023

Why not become a Member of FALNI?

Since last year FALNI has been a fully constituted organisation and is currently applying for charitable status. Under its constitution, membership is open to all individuals who supports FALNI’s aims – The objects of FALNI are to build collaboration and enable those involved in adult learning from all sectors (public, private, voluntary/community) to explore areas...

Supporting the Learner Voice

Supporting the Learner Voice

This seminar seeks to identify ways in which the voice of the adult learner in NI can be supported and strengthened to shape and undertake advocacy to influence policy and practice, across all sectors. We will hear from our colleagues at AONTAS about the National Further Education and Training (FET) Learner Forum and from our...

Designing a Culture of Lifelong Learning

Designing a Culture of Lifelong Learning

On Friday 22nd October we will hold our next webinar and hope that you will come along and lend your support and energy to further our thinking on creating a culture of lifelong learning for NI. Forum members have been busy in four working groups preparing ideas to share with you around key building blocks...

Draft Programme for Government Consultation
19th of March, 202119th of March, 2021

Draft Programme for Government Consultation

We hope as many of you as possible are contributing to the consultation on the next PfG – closing date 22nd March. While you will of course have specific responses in line with your organisations, we would hope that you would include a message that adult learning should be recognised as a key enabler of...

Network for Adult Learning Across Borders
5th of March, 20215th of March, 2021

Network for Adult Learning Across Borders

Today saw a brilliant meeting of NALAB (Network for Adult Learning Across Borders), a collaboration of the key advocacy bodies from across UK and Ireland – AONTAS, Learning and Work Institute, Scotland’s Learning Partnership and FALNI. Over 90 delegates heard contributions from all jurisdictions around the state of play for adult learning, hopes for moving...

Network of Adult Learning Across Borders

Network of Adult Learning Across Borders

As part of the AONTAS-led events for the 2021 AONTAS Adult Learners’ Festival, this policy event will bring the members of the Network for Adult Learning Across Borders (NALAB), Republic of Ireland, Northern Ireland, England, Scotland and Wales, together to discuss our shared vision for educational equality and explore the variety of approaches taken by each in...

Building collaboration across Ireland
3rd of March, 20213rd of March, 2021

Building collaboration across Ireland

This morning a mix of practitioners from across the adult learning sectors in NI met up with members of AONTAS to learn more about what it does and what it offers members. After greetings and introductions led by the AONTAS CEO, Niamh O’Reilly, participants heard some background information from Dearbháil Lawless, (Head of Advocacy). Mike...

Adult and Community Education in Northern Ireland: An AONTAS Collaboration

Adult and Community Education in Northern Ireland: An AONTAS Collaboration

The event will provide a space for practitioners to share their experiences, outline barriers faced in the adult learning sector, build new relationships and learn from peers. FALNI and AONTAS are building a collaborative relationship based around our common concerns that cut across all of the island of Ireland and exploring how each organisation can...

Launch of the Learn Well, Live Well Report
27th of February, 202127th of February, 2021

Launch of the Learn Well, Live Well Report

On 24th February the Impact Forum and Belfast Learning City held the online launch of their joint publication, Learn Well, Live Well: adult learning and health and wellbeing. We were delighted to have messages of support from the two Junior Ministers, Gary Middleton and Declan Kearney. We also heard from Raúl Valdés-Cotera (UNESCO UIL) author...

Launch of Learn Well, Live Well Report

Launch of Learn Well, Live Well Report

The Learn Well, Live Well: adult learning and health and wellbeing report has been produced over the past few months as part of the UK programme for the European Agenda on Adult Learning (managed by the Learning and Work Institute). It has been compiled and edited by the NI Impact Forum on Adult Learning and...

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