The much-awaited Skills Strategy Consultation is now open and will remain open until 19th August. The report can be downloaded from our Reports/Resources page, but you will also want to go to to access the link for responses. The commitment to building a culture of lifelong learning is still there, and it is one...
Recommendations for the new Skills Strategy from Learning & Work Institute
Recent blog from our colleagues at L&W highlighting points made in their report A Higher Skills Ambition for Northern Ireland (commissioned by the OCNNI) – which can be downloaded from our Reports/Resources page – To hear more about the Skills Strategy why not book a place at our webinar on 8th June – see...
Latest Impact Forum Webinar
The next webinar will be on June 8th – see our Events page for details and link to Eventbrite to book your place. We continue to focus on the future and seek to provide you with information, ideas and stimulus to help your thinking of where adult/lifelong learning in Northern Ireland goes in the future....
Family Learning – a neglected area in Northern Ireland
An Interim report has now come out from the Expert Panel on Educational Underachievement in NI. In its conclusion it states that ‘Educational inequalities of disadvantaged pupils should be tackled not only at school level but also beyond the school gates.’ In coming months the Panel will develop its thinking across a number of themes,...
Supporting women’s professional and personal development through education and training.
First Steps Women’s Centre (FSWC) has provided a unique service to women in Mid-Ulster for almost 22 years. Based in Dungannon, the Centre provides education and training, support and guidance, along with exceptional opportunities and friendship to women across Mid-Ulster. Up to 300 women per year access training across a wide range of vocational areas which is...
Decision Making of Adult Learners Below Level 2
A report just out from our colleagues at the Learning & Work Institute into how adults with qualifications below level 2 make decisions about whether or not to take up learning. Many of the findings confirm barriers and motivations found generally in research around the uptake of learning by adults, but given recent shifts to...
NI College of the Future Report
The Independent Commission on the College of the Future today launched its final report which focuses on Northern Ireland. The report argues that colleges are the vehicles to regionally balance the economy, support businesses to adapt to a green and digital economy and provide better skills opportunities for those out of work. It adds that...
We Are ALE – Global Campaign
There is a new campaign launched just this week and coordinated by the International Council for Adult Education (, It is a global alliance of networks, associations and organisations for adult learning and education (ALE). It recognises the fundamental importance of ALE (Adult Learning & Education) for justice, well-being and change. While the UN’s...
OCN NI Learner Awards 2021 – Deadline Extended
Due to high demand, the nomination deadline has been extended until 12 noon on Friday the 2nd April It’s not too late to submit a nomination for the OCN NI Recognising Learning Endeavour Awards 2021. Read more at including a video of the Awards Launch.
Draft Programme for Government Consultation
We hope as many of you as possible are contributing to the consultation on the next PfG – closing date 22nd March. While you will of course have specific responses in line with your organisations, we would hope that you would include a message that adult learning should be recognised as a key enabler of...