Today the Dept for the Economy held a short consultation webinar on the new Skills Strategy. There were presentations from Graeme Wilkinson (DfE) on the strategy itself and Deirdre Wood (DfC) on Labour Market Partnerships, followed by a short Q&A session.
The presentations can be found below, but two short quotes from each presenter are worth noting which while brief will resonate with members of the Forum.
Graeme Wilkinson spoke of the need to grow a love of learning and Deirdre Wood said they had a commitment to ensure that no-one is left behind – this latter quote, it should be noted, has been a byline of Belfast Learning City for some years.
There was considerable emphasis placed on the role of the third sector in the comments submitted by attendees. It was also encouraging to hear that there will be representation from the VCSE sector on the new Skills Council.
Remember you have until 19th August to make a submission on the Skills Strategy. We would love to hear your ideas whether or not you make a submission so that we can incorporate members’ thoughts into our own submission. The link to the consultation and the online format for submission can be found at
There will be another chance to attend a DfE consultation webinar on 4th August.
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