Throughout 2021 FALNI members explored the theme of creating a culture of lifelong learning in Northern Ireland. This work was enabled with the support of the UK’s EAAL programme, managed by our colleagues at the Learning & Work Institute ( and with their assistance we have created a report which captures the thoughts and suggestions...
lifelong learning
Supporting the Welsh Lifelong Learning System
Today (16 Dec) saw the release of a report from the Wales Centre for Public Policy which reviews lifelong learning provision. The report is structured around key areas of lifelong learning: the context in which it takes place; lifelong learning in visions and strategies; rights and entitlements to lifelong learning; the need to strike the...
Designing a Culture of Lifelong Learning
On Friday 22nd October we will hold our next webinar and hope that you will come along and lend your support and energy to further our thinking on creating a culture of lifelong learning for NI. Forum members have been busy in four working groups preparing ideas to share with you around key building blocks...
DfE Consultation Webinar on the Skills Strategy
Today the Dept for the Economy held a short consultation webinar on the new Skills Strategy. There were presentations from Graeme Wilkinson (DfE) on the strategy itself and Deirdre Wood (DfC) on Labour Market Partnerships, followed by a short Q&A session. The presentations can be found below, but two short quotes from each presenter are...
We Are ALE – Global Campaign
There is a new campaign launched just this week and coordinated by the International Council for Adult Education (, It is a global alliance of networks, associations and organisations for adult learning and education (ALE). It recognises the fundamental importance of ALE (Adult Learning & Education) for justice, well-being and change. While the UN’s...
Draft Programme for Government Consultation
We hope as many of you as possible are contributing to the consultation on the next PfG – closing date 22nd March. While you will of course have specific responses in line with your organisations, we would hope that you would include a message that adult learning should be recognised as a key enabler of...
A wellbeing society – the role of adult learning in post-pandemic Wales
Keynote and Q&A with Kirsty Williams MS, Minister for Education, Welsh Government There is a growing consensus that across the UK a serious commitment to the rejuvenation and development of adult education and lifelong learning is needed. Recovery from the coronavirus pandemic and the challenges presented by our exit from the European Union place more...